Telegram account is hacked, what to do?

Attackers are increasingly resorting to hacking Telegram accounts, using various methods such as phishing attacks, in which they try to lure confirmation codes from users, or by exploiting potential vulnerabilities in the messenger’s security system. After a successful hack, the attacker gains full control over the victim’s account and sends messages to all contacts from the list, usually with a request for urgent financial assistance, using various pretexts such as an accident, illness, or loss of money.

To protect your Telegram account from such attacks and prevent unauthorized access, it is important to take comprehensive security measures. One of the most effective ways is to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) and set a lock code.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

  1. Open Telegram: Launch the Telegram app on your mobile device or computer.
  2. Settings: Go to the “Settings” section, which is usually indicated by a gear icon.
  3. Privacy and Security: In the settings menu, find and select the “Privacy and Security” section.
  4. Two-Step Verification: In this section, find the “Two-Step Verification” option and click on it.
  5. Set Password: You will be prompted to create a strong password that will be used as a second factor of authenticationwhen logging into your account. It is important to choose a password that is difficult to guess and not use it for other services.
  6. Password Hint: For convenience, you can add a hint to your password to help you remember it if needed, but make sure the hint is not obvious to outsiders.
  7. Email: Enter your email address, which will be used to regain access if you forget your password or lose access to your device.
  8. Done: After completing all the steps, click the “Done” button to enable two-factor authentication.

Lock Code:

  1. Settings: As in the previous case, go to the “Settings” section.
  2. Privacy and Security: Select the “Privacy and Security” section again.
  3. Lock Code: In this section, find the “Lock Code” option and click on it.
  4. Enable Lock Code: Enable the lock code feature to protect your account from unauthorized access.
  5. Set Code: You will be prompted to create a 4-digit PIN or use biometric data such as fingerprint or Face ID to unlock the app.
  6. Auto-Lock: Select the time interval after which Telegram will automatically lock if it is not being used. It is recommended to set a short interval, such as 1 minute, for maximum protection.

Additional Security Tips:

  • Do not click on suspicious links: Be careful with links you receive in messages, especially from strangers or those that look suspicious. They may lead to phishing sites designed to steal your data.
  • Check contacts: If you receive an unusual message from a friend, contact them in another way, such as by calling or writing in another messenger, to make sure it is really them, not an attacker who has gained access to their account.
  • Update Telegram: Regularly update the Telegram app to the latest version, as developers are constantly working to fix vulnerabilities and improve security.
  • Enable login notifications: Activate notifications about logging into your account from a new device or browser. This will allow you to quickly detect any suspicious activity and take action.

Implementing these recommendations will help you significantly improve the security of your Telegram account and minimize the risk of it being hacked and misused by attackers. Remember that online security is your responsibility, and only you can protect your data from cybercriminals.