How can I change the disk letter using Windows?

To change the disk letter in Windows, you can use the built-in Disk Manager or Command Prompt utilities. Depending on the version of Windows, the interface and names may differ, but the general steps remain the same. Here are some ways to change the disk letter:

  1. Change the disk letter in Disk Manager:

Step 1: Right-click on the Start button (or press Win+X) and select Disk Manager from the list.

Step 2: Find the disk for which you want to change the letter in the disk list.

Step 3: Right-click on the disk and select Change drive letter and path.

Step 4: In the Volume Properties window, select the Change button and choose a new letter for the disk.

Step 5: Confirm your actions by clicking “OK”.

  1. Change the disk letter via the Command Prompt:

Step 1: Open the Command Prompt (search in the Start menu or use the key combination Win+R and type “cmd”).

Step 2: Find the disk you want to change the letter for in the list of disks.diskpart This will open the DiskPart utility.

Step 3: Type the list volume command and press Enter to see a list of available disk volumes along with their letters. list volume

Step 4: Type the select volume X command, where “X” is the number of the disk volume for which you want to change the volume X

Step 5: Type assign letter=Y, where “Y” is the new letter you want to assign to the disk volume. assign letter=Y

Step 6: Exit the DiskPart utility by typing the exit command and pressing Enter. exit

Be careful when changing the letter of the system disk (usually C:), as this can lead to system problems. Change the drive letter only for additional disks or USB devices that do not affect the operating system. Before changing the drive letter, it is recommended to make a backup copy of important information on the disk in case of unforeseen situations.

What should I do if the letter is busy but I want to use it?

If the letter you want to use for a disk is already occupied by another volume or device, there are several possible solutions:

1. Change the letter of the other disk or device: In Disk Manager or the Command Prompt, search for another volume or device that uses the letter you want. Change the letter of that volume to another available letter to free up the letter you want for your disk.

2. Remove the binding of an existing letter: You can remove a letter that is occupied by a volume or device that you don’t need or temporarily don’t use. To do this:

a. Open Disk Manager or run “diskpart” at the Command Prompt.

b. Select a volume or device with a busy letter.

c. c. Right-click on it and choose “Change drive letter and path” (Disk Manager) or run “remove letter X” (where “X” is the occupied letter) at the Command Prompt.

d. Confirm your actions.

3. Change the letter using the Windows Registry: The following approach involves editing the registry, so be very careful as incorrect changes can lead to system problems. Make a backup of your registry before you begin.

a. Open the Windows Registry by pressing “Win + R”, type “regedit” and press Enter.

b. Expand the following path: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” > “SYSTEM” > “MountedDevices”. >>

c. Find the value that corresponds to the busy letter of the disk and rename it, for example, change “DosDevices\D:” to “DosDevices\Z:” (where “D:” is the busy letter, “Z:” is the free letter).

d. Close the registry editor and restart the computer.

Choose one of the methods that is convenient and safe for you. Remember that changing the drive letter can affect the functioning of programs that depend on a particular drive letter, so make sure you don’t have any such programs before making changes.